Lightning Crashes
Tune down one half step
Verses & Chorus: F Csus2 G
Lightning crashes, a new mother cries
Her placenta falls to the floor
The angel opens her eyes, the confusion sets in
Before the doctor can even close the door
Lightning crashes, an old mother dies
Her intentions fall to the floor
The angel closes her eyes, the confusion that was hers
belongs now, to the baby down the hall
Oh, now, feel it coming back again
Like a rolling thunder chasing the wind
Forces pulling from the centre of the earth again
I can feel it
Lightning crashes, a new mother cries
This moment she's been waiting for
The angel open her eyes, pale blue coloured iris
presents the circle and put the glory out to hide, hide
Oh, now, feel it coming back again
Like a rolling thunder chasing the wind
Forces pulling from the centre of the earth again
I can feel it
I can feel it
Instrumental: | Am | G | Am | G | Am | G | F | G |
| Am | G | Am | G | F | G |
I can feel it coming back again
Like a rolling thunder chasing the wind
Forces pulling from the centre of the earth again
I can feel it
I can feel it coming back again
Like a rolling thunder chasing the wind
Forces pulling from the centre of the earth again
I can feel it
I can feel it coming back again
Like a rolling thunder chasing the wind
Forces pulling from the centre of the earth again
I can feel it
I can feel it
I can feel it
This song has 7799 views, including 10 views this month.
Song added 2000-01-01 00:00:00 and last updated 2019-06-11 09:19:19.